Nevada and California esta diferente. three ways didn't like is pretty far. hola me llamo and the bell hey Ben this. isn't everything you in California still. birthday poem terremoto muy grande sí. everything can be sweet are you ready. hora para que regresar el salvador to. birthday uh-huh my parents got me a.
okay I you dar preparar tu maleta Mindy. van de me madre voy a tener meu propio. silence I'll show you around come on all. Sullivan yo soy signora Sullivan yo soy. later BAM tell me when you get new car. bueno yo necesito regresar el salva-dork.
and the next I'm gonna go head now go. time to just go for night all right yeah. police say adios to a mango then then to. step on toes me robó Michael J alimenta. why I got this thing for you yeah here.